A historically hard-working student who did well in school, Quinton began to lose focus after the passing of his mother. With his life turned upside down and lacked a stable home life, he lost his motivation, began missing school, and made poor choices.

At the age of 17, he arrived at Rawhide in March 2024. Initially, he struggled to come to terms with changing his behavior and accepting a new start. “It takes a while to get used to something different,” Quinton shared. “But now I have more chances to focus on my program and myself.”

While at Rawhide, Quinton has made the most of his opportunities such as volunteering at a local soup kitchen, attending our Job Training Program’s career class, and spending time outdoors. “I really enjoy walking … it’s calming to be outside,” said Quinton. “It helps me remember to follow the rules and keep my head up.”

Quinton’s favorite part about Rawhide is the people, specifically the staff. “They help you through everything. My teacher, Mr. Nolan, is hard on me and makes me do the work. But it continues to motivate me to do the right thing,” said Quinton. “Before I was skipping school, and now I’m working on my schoolwork.”

Who’s the one person who motivates Quinton to keep doing the hard work and complete his program? His 14-year-old brother, Ian. “We were really close; I can’t wait to go home and be with him. With help from my peers, I can do my work and set an example for him.” Quinton also looks forward to making up for lost time with his dad by playing pool, hanging out, and spending quality time with him.

Quinton’s message to donors: Thank you for supporting Rawhide so kids can get on the right track.